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Saved by Donald
on August 27, 2009 at 4:32:47 pm

Welcome to the Galson Estate Trust "Community" Wiki


Welcome (in Gaelic, in other Languages) to this website of the Galson Estate Trust. The website has been constructed by a great number of local people, each of whom is very well informed about various aspects of our community. It was put together in order to give tourists and visitors authentic information about the rich Gaelic culture, heritage, and natural environment of this area in the very north-west of Europe. It is also designed as an important resource that local people can add to and be proud of. On the site you will be able to find photographs, video, sound, and written information about this community. You will be able to hear the music of the people and the sound of their voices, and most importantly you will be able to add your own photographs, questions, and comments to the site. We hope you will find it enjoyable and useful.


To navigate around our site please use the Sidebar on the right hand side of this page


Introduction to the main site


Galson Estate Trust website  - galsontrust.com


We have also started a Gaelic wiki (not a translation of the English one) that you can add to at http://urras.pbwiki.com/



Summary of THETA (the Tourism, Heritage and Environment: Technology Applications Project)


North Lewis Bebo Page 







To navigate around our site pleas use the Sidebar on the righthand side of this page. 

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