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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago
Here are a number of Gaelic phrases that might be useful when visiting Galson Estate;
Tapadh leibh                                                    Thank you.                              
Dè an t- ainm a th’ oirbh?                                  What is your name?
Madainn mhath                                                Good morning.
Feasgar math                                                   Good afternoon.
Oidhche mhath                                                 Good night.
Thig a-steach                                                   Come in.
Tìoraidh                                                           Bye.
Tìoraidh an dràsta                                             Bye for now.
Chì mi a’ rithist thu                                            See you later.
Dè mar a tha sibh?                                             How are you?
A bheil sibh gu math?                                         Are you well?
Tha mi gu math, tapadh leibh.                             I am well, thank you.
Chan eil dona.                                                  Not bad.
Meadhanach.                                                   Fair.
Tha mi glè mhath.                                             I am very well.
Dè do choir?                                                    How are things with you?
Dè tha dol?                                                      What’s doing?
Tha latha math ann an-diugh.                             It’s a nice day today.
Tha i fiadhaich an-diugh.                                   It is wild today.
Càite am faigh mi cupan teatha?                        Where can I get a cup of tea?
Càite am faigh mi biadh?                                   Where can I get some food?
Cuin a bhios am bus ann an seo?                       When will the bus be here?
Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig.                        I am learning Gàidhlig.
Chan eil mi a’ tuigse.                                       I don’t understand.
Bu chaomh leam…                                           I would like…
Caite bheil…?                                                  Where is…?
An Comunn Eachdraidh                                    Ness Historical Association
An Club Sòisealta                                           Ness FC Social Club
Oifis an Urrais                                                Galson Estate Office
Bùth Chrois                                                    Cross Stores
Bùth Shuaineaboist                                         Swainbost Shop
Oifis a’ Phuist                                                   Post Office
An Taigh-sholais                                               The Lighthouse
Clach an Truiseil                                               Truiseil Stone
Cairn Steinacleit                                                Steinacleit Cairn & Stone Circle
Muileann Dhail                                                    Dell Mill
Dun Eistean                                                      Dun Eistean (Fort)
Rubha Robhanais                                              Butt of Lewis
Loch Stiapabhat                                               Loch Stiapabhat
Teampull Mholuaidh                                         St Moluag’s Church





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