References to Geology and landforms

Baden-Powell, D. F. W., (1938) On the glacial and interglacial marine beds of Northern Lewis. Geol. Mag. 75 pp 395-408


Baden-Powell, D. and Elton, C., (1936-37) On the relation between a raised beach and an Iron Age midden on the Island of Lewis, Outer Hebrides. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. 71 pp 347-365


Davies, F. B., Lisle, R. J., and Watson, J. (19xx) The tectonic evolution of the Lewisian Complex in Northern Lewis, Outer Hebrides.


Watson, J. (1969) The Precambrian gneiss complex of Ness, Lewis in relation to the effects of Laxfordian regeneration. Scot. J. Geol. 5 pp 269-285




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